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Salam Aidil Fitri 2011- Mohon maaf Atas Segala Kesilapan dan Terkasar Bahasa

Salam Aidil Fitri al Mubarak 2011... Slideshow: Azierahman’s trip to Chengkau (near Seremban), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Seremban slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kreatif...Lukisan jalanan (Amazing Street Art)

Fauxreel's 'Face of the City' series

Abduction by KIMERA. Luiz Felipe Amado da Cunha

Artist Sandrine Estrade Boulet's public art works range from irreverent to cute to naughty. Her works embrace her surroundings and incorporate physical features in the environment. This Cheerleader stencil makes use of a pair of grass tufts peeking through the side walk.

This awesome pixelated street art was spotted in NYC in the East Village. Photo by Annamarie Tendler.

Australian graffiti artist BUFFdiss works with masking tape. He's especially fond of making giants in public places so that people look like dolls in comparison. According to him, using masking tape permits him greater leeway with authorities who would object to the use of more permanent media.

Images Sources :www.oddee.com


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